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RBD x Smirnoff

Client: Smirnoff Mexico

Director: Mauricio Sierra | AD: Ana Mova | EP: John Willment-Knowles & Lucía Cano (ArkHaus Productions) | Producers: Liliam Cordoba | Production Manager: Paz Zavaleta | Production Coordinator: Alejandra Tort | AP: Victor Noli | Production: ArkHaus Productions | DP, camera & movi operator: Pedro Navor | Movi Assistant: Liu Braca | Movi Tech: Daniel Arjona | Focus puller: Carlos Martínez | Production design: Carla Viancinni | Designer: Fran Anguinaco | Prop Master: Erick Puertas | Gaffer: Mario Ramírez | Grips: Martín Díaz, Javier Briones, Eduardo Atahualpa | Staffs: José Eduardo Baltazar, Irwin Alejandro | Styling: Gerard Angulo | Hair & Make Up: Yanel Rogo, Lucía Gómez Jorge Beltrán, Javier Díaz, Javier de la Rosa, Jesús Palencia | Direct Sound: Carlos Villagomez | Paramedic: Liliana Anguiano | Choreographer: Anahi Guastone | Backstage: Beto Vargas & Carlos A. Matamoros

talent: Anahí, Christian, Christopher & Dulce María.

RBD and its logo are copyright of TELEVISA D.R.


Yseult x


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